2023 Goal Setting

4 Actionable steps to achieve your goals next year.

We all know that this time of the year is when everyone starts talking about New Year's Resolutions, and you start setting new goals and daydreaming of all the marvelous things you want to accomplish in 2023, right?

BUT - Did you know that, according to Forbes, 80% of New Year's resolutions are abandoned by February?

That's just a 2-month commitment at most! 😬

This tells me that people either set their expectations too high or get overwhelmed with too many goals because they lack clarity on how to achieve them.

That's why I like to take December as a month of PLANNING, where I take it slow to reflect and analyze what things can improve in my business, what are new ACHIEVABLE goals for the new year, and create plans to achieve them.

Of course, I want you to fall under the 20% of the ones who keep working on their new years' resolution past February, so today I am giving you four actionable steps to help you achieve this.


1. Write down what you want to achieve.

Is it starting a new Etsy shop? Is it reaching a sales milestone? Is it the year to quit your job? Define what you want to accomplish in 2023 (remember knowing where you are going helps you define how you will actually get there) 

Prioritize your goals and work on one plan at a time. Regardless if you have a list of goals to accomplish, give each one of them a level of priority; it will make it easier for you to avoid stressing out and keep you focused on the tasks for that particular goal. 

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2. Write down an action plan.

I make quarterly plans for the big picture projects, then a monthly plan to define what I would like to accomplish each week of the month, and finally, a weekly schedule breaking down what I will be working on every day of the week. It allows me to stay on track with my goals on a small and larger scale and set actionable tasks that will help me achieve those goals. This can look like defining the times you will set aside to study during the week or which dates you will dedicate to work on your side hustle.

Define what needs to be done to achieve those goals. 


3. What needs to change?

Being realistic about the things you need to do and change helps a LOT when working towards achieving those goals.

Remember, "NOTHING CHANGES, IF NOTHING CHANGES": if scaling your Etsy Shop is your priority this year, think of what you need to change or work on to step up as a CEO and which projects to focus INTENTIONALLY that will help move the needle forward in your business. Do you need to learn a new skill? Do you need to improve in an area of your business or product creation? Is it time to learn about product photography? These are just examples to help you brainstorm. 


4. Define what support you need, what you need to learn, and what you will do to help you achieve your results faster.

I am a true believer that getting a coach/mentor that will guide you through the process of whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish is crucial to FAST TRACK your progress. If you need that accountability, support, and education from someone who has walked the walk and achieved the results you want, then it's time to add that to your to-do list!

We don't want to keep setting the SAME goals year after year just because we don't know what direction to take or because we are spending the whole year in trial and error testing. Right?


If you think about it, staying focused and working towards your goals is not a matter of writing down a list of New year resolutions and just hoping you will make it happen during the year. It's all about consciously working towards getting there with clear actions and consistent work!


I believe in you, I know we are on that 20%, and I think you can stay on track to achieve those big goals all year long! 🧡

Ready to take action and learn something new?

Learn the 3 mistakes new Etsy sellers make and what to do instead to optimize your shop and listings to make sales faster!


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4 Actionable steps to achieve your goals next year

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