I’m an Etsy Shop Owner since 2015 and when I started I had NO IDEA what I was doing and had no e-commerce experience, so I felt so overwhelmed about the right things to do to increase traffic or generate sales.

If you’ve ever been afraid of getting started, overwhelmed by the multiple online marketplaces, and felt like not having the right resources to grow your shop and increase sales, I 200% get you, and not only do I get you, but I can totally relate because I was there once and experienced all that too.

After being in E-commerce for over 6 years, (some of which I had my online store as my side hustle while working a full-time job) I learned with lots of trials and errors and DIY lots of processes, but there was a point in my life that I knew something had to change and I for sure didn’t want to continue working for someone else trading my time for money, so I deep dive into learning the strategies, all the ins, and outs of selling online, got obsessed with making my business successful, achieve financial freedom, and be my own boss.

To this point, my shop grew to be in the top 1% of sales on Etsy, I quit my job, made my online business a Full-Time income, and decided to help new or aspiring entrepreneurs start and grow a thriving business online too.

Through my online courses, you will skip all the years of trial and error and jumpstart your business the right way with clear roadmaps to freedom and success!


The ultimate 5-step ROADMAP to start and grow a successful Etsy shop.


The proven blueprint for unlimited passive income with digital Etsy products.


Personalized review of your shop that will give you clarity and action items to improve your store.

Stop dreaming, Start doing | BOSS and Free

I believe in you! Do you?

I believe that the passion and capacity of building the online business of your dreams lies within you!

I also believe you should not tie yourself to live your entire life in a 9-5 job that you hate, expecting a week off per year called “vacation” to get some rest, travel, or spend quality time with your family, just to go back to the same energy, mind and time-consuming routine working for….. SOMEONE ELSE!

If you are going to put in the work, do it to build YOUR OWN BUSINESS, one that gives you financial freedom, TIME, and allows you to live your life on your own terms!


Latin who loves traveling!

I was born in Colombia and lived most of my life in Medellin, (An incredible city to live and visit).

In my early 20's I started to like adventure and to crave new experiences; I never liked settling (it's my #1 enemy), and I committed to a life where I would enjoy more by traveling, discover new cultures, and wander around the world.

Race tracks are my 2nd home!

When I’m not traveling or working on my business you will find me on a race track! My little Brother Andres is a big motivator for me and I support his dream of becoming a professional race car driver as it was mine. As long as it takes brother!

Animal Lover!

We rescued Dash from a meat farm in South Korea, he not only became my biggest companion but a family member that has made my love for animals increased immensely to the point that one of my future goals is to open or support an animal rescue shelter to save a provide home to as many dogs as possible and fight animal cruelty and abuse! (Talking about big scary dreams right?)

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.”

- Steve Jobs.

I believe in chasing your biggest dreams and designing your life the way you want it.

A successful Etsy shop makes this possible.